Week 912-926 - We're Back! - 05-19-2024

We're Back!

Did you miss us? Someone did!

After 7 months residing at Palm Creek Resort, we have finally moved on.

At Palm Creek we played 1,083 games of pickleball. Pete played in the Member's Tournament with Tony and was one game short of a bronze medal. Ellen played in the APPL (Arizona Pickleball Players League). She and Bev (shown) and her team advanced to the Regional Semi-Finals.

We went to dozens of music events, had dinners and played cards with friends and when nothing else was going on we put together a few puzzles.

We left the beautiful afternoons filled with hot air balloons and incredible sunsets.

Our first stop was with close friends from Paso Robles. Not in Paso Robles, but, at The Palms Resort in Yuma, Arizona. Steve and Susan hosted us for a couple of days as we began our six day trek back to family in the Central Coast of California.

We spent two days at the Elks Lodge in Oceanside California. Then onto a new-to-us Elks Lodge in Simi Valley California. We played a few games of pickleball in Simi, just to keep in shape.

On the sixth day, we reached Janice and Frank's house in Paso Robles California.

The following day we had nice dinner with our son John and some of his children/grandchildren.
Thanks John.

Next we took the JeepShip to Emily and Chads house in Northern California. It was time for Grand Parents day at school. All of their children are at the K-12th Durham School. This is the school that Chad grew up in. Now, Emily is the High School Math Teacher.

On Grandparents day we got to visit the classrooms of each grandchild. Zeb (5th grade) accompanied us to Hannie's 1st grade class.

Each class presented their musical skills in the auditorium singing a few tunes. Davie Jean (K), Hannie (1st), Coralyn (3rd) and Zeb (5th). All did great.

Next was the annual Durham Parade and Picnic. All the grandkids were in the parade. Most of the parade entries were tossing out candy. When the kids' float finished the route, they ran back to grab as much candy as they could.

Due to our uneventful lifestyle, we have not written in 15 weeks. So did you miss us? We are sure many did, but only one reader asked us "are you okay?" Who was that? It was Ellen. No, not our Ellen, but Ellen from Texas. Who is she? The back story.

In 2006 our web hosting company was in College Station, Texas where Ellen lives. Our great friend Paul would send us emails as we were on the road. However, his emails to Ellen Mattson never showed up. Due to a flaw with our web host the emails went to Ellen in College Station. Ellen called Pete one day and said "I think I have you wife's emails!" She was certainly correct. We resolved the problem, while explaining about our travels. Ellen asked to be on our weekly travelogue email list. We have communicated for over 15 years but never met. Ellen and Alan happened to be in Tucson on Thanksgiving Day 2021. They graciously took time out of their day to meet us. Small world, eh?

Last week Ellen emailed us "I hope all is well. The last letter I received was in February so I wanted to check in and see how you are."

How sweet of Ellen to check up on us. We have always said that the our favorite part of traveling is the people. Ellen is a testament to that.

See more of the people we highlighted during Thanksgiving 2021. We are Thankful

With love, Pete and Ellen

"Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." Philippians 2:1-4

Photos from 05-19-2024

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