Week 601-602 - The Coupon Trail Prologue - 02-25-2018
The Coupon Trail Prologue
We have five weeks before we pick up the grandkids in Long Beach, California.
The Quartzite RV Show had lots of Yuma RV park specials.
We left Golden Village Palms in Hemet, leaving Steve/Susan, Tim/Vikki, Joe and the rest of our friends.
With coupons in hand we headed to Yuma, Arizona to follow
The Coupon Trail.

A typical daily fee at a decent Yuma RV park during this high RV travel season is $47.00.
Having averaged under $15 per day for 12 years, we now are trying to match that using coupons and deals
at high season. These next five travelogues will let you know how we do.

First night at Yaqui Pass Road in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Free; good start!

Oops, we did not dump before leaving Hemet. Do Not Pass GO, head to Cocopah RV and Golf Park. Dump the tanks and play good pickleball at $48 for one night.

Ouch! Way over our $15 target, head to Free Parking at the Quechan Casino just west of Yuma for a night.

A quick search of coupons yielded nothing to our liking. We like cable TV and pickleball. If we want
both, it'll cost $47 night; slightly less if you stay for a week.
We dry camped at the Yuma Elks in 2010. But, alas, the Elks moved and has no RV parking.
We love Escapees' parks and Wow! Previously unknown to us we found Escapees' Kofa Ko-op Retreat south of town. No full hookup sites were available.
We settled for dry camping at $8 per night.
Wonderfully, a full hookup site opened the next day. We nestled into our site with cable TV.
No pickleball but with wind gusts of up to 31 mph, we were happy to enjoy the sun through our
big windows. Full hookup site for 8 days was $129.

You may have noticed something common to all our photos; the
MotherShip. We love our home,
we love each other, we love the Lord and want to see as much of His creation as possible. It does not
matter where we land each night, so why not save money?
That's it for this week. Watch
next week as we call RV parks and say "Let's Make a Deal?"
With love, Pete, Ellen and Mandy
Photos from Feb 2018