Week 465-466 - Big Rig Bible Tour - 07-19-2015

Free Tour

Big Rig Bible has 1128 pages and 18,845 photos. This website can be overwhelming, so today we'll give you a tour to help you navigate easily.

First, where was this fabulous USA photo taken? Maybe some or many of you know. We did not. We saw this photo and others from the same location in a gift shop. But the post cards did NOT tell us where it was taken. Waaaaa! This does not happen on Big Rig Bible. Every one of the 18,845 photos has a caption, so you won't have to be frustrated like we were.

Let's start our tour. The Home Page has one link for Members, and one for Guests. Members can access all the pages. Guests can get a Free One Month trial. If after reading unlimited pages you see the value of the site, then just subscribe. It is only $24 for the first year. Either link will bring you to the Table of Contents. Click here for Table of Contents

The Table of Contents has six sections with bold headers (07-2015). For those who desire to learn about Full Time Motorhome Living, they would start with Big Rig Bible and Us > Start here > Read this Guide. From there you just click on Next to turn the page. With 23 major pages and hundreds of links, it will take considerable time to read it all.

The sample page Choosing a Diesel Motorhome Manufacturer gives you clues on how to pick a manufacturer. You can then click on the highlighted link List of Diesel Motorhome Manufacturers . . .

. . . and get a complete list of all USA Class A Diesel Motorhome Manufacturers. Of our 1128 pages, this page gets the most "hits". Why? Probably because it took us several months to find every manufacturer. That was in 2005 and this list has been kept up to date as manufacturers come and go. Each listing has a link to that company's website. List of Diesel Motorhome Manufacturers

Here is another sample page from the "learning group". This page has links to other RV sites that we find valuable. Click here for Other Motorhome and RV Sites

The first four pages on the Table on Contents (TOC) are where most of our 18,845 photos reside. The second most popular page of Big Rig Bible is RV Parks We Have Visited. This page lists the states and provinces and the 479 parks that we have stayed at. You can scroll the page or click on a State Code to jump to that state. In this example, we clicked on AR (Arkansas), then we clicked on Ozarks Luxury RV Resort

Each park page shows four photos of the park with captions, the current temperature, the hookups, our rating, the daily rate (as of the date shown) and a link to the park's website. We enjoy showing our realistic photos of parks versus the photos you will see on their websites. Many times the park website overstates the look of the park. In the case of Ozarks Luxury RV Resort, the photos match. As you can see this is a Five Star park. Every sight has a view of Table Rock Lake, the landscaping is gorgeous and the people are the nicest. Since we stayed here twice for 10 days, we did in In Depth Review.

Back on the TOC, there are pages for Travelogues by Date and Topic. The date sequenced page let's you follow our travels from August 2006 to present. Outlined here are the weeks 142 to 157 and 167, the seventeen travelogues about our Really Big Adventure to Alaska in 2009.

Each travelogue has a map of the current year routes. We show where we have been for the year, our travel for the current week and the possible path for the future. Many times, our friends and relatives have seen the future paths and contacted us. We have been able to meet up with them on several occasions as they are traveling in the same area. This happened in Alaska with with three different groups. Pete's sister Donnalee flew to Anchorage to spend nine days with us on the MotherShip Week 152. Our friends Dave and Sandy had an Alaska trip planned to Brooks Falls, the world famous bear reserve Week 150. They contacted us and we met up in Anchorage and also they spotted us later dry camping along the Seward Hwy. And then ole, last but not least, we met our dear SOWERS friends John and Rosie. They were a month behind us when we reached Alaska. We met them the next week, whew, do they drive fast? We saw them on and off for two months, see weeks 150 and others.

Week 154 was our stay in Valdez, Alaska. While we had a little bit of drizzle, Valdez was spectacular. Allison Point across Valdez Bay has a fish hatchery and this young bear loves it!

Travelogues by Topic allow you to find a subject directly. For example you can use the A-Z index to jump to N. From there click on New York City or New York City Photo Collection.

The fourth page on the TOC is Photo Collections. We post collections during weeks when we are not able to show new and exciting areas. Collection photos may be from one or many locations. For example, in the week we visited New York City, we also visited Atlantic City and Princeton, New Jersey and Philadelphia. The travelogue that week did have some photos from New York City, but we still had 415 more photos to show. The New York City Photo Collection shows 66 more and larger photos. Other collections might be from multiple locations throughout North America. You will find the Sunset and Sunrise Photo Collection by clicking on Photo Collections > S > Sunrise and Sunset Photo Collection.

Ellen gets up early and gets lots of sunrise photos, this one from Lake of the Woods, Decatur, Michigan. The entire collection is 34 photos from 14 states and two Canadian provinces.

Well, that's an overview of Big Rig Bible and how to navigate its massive number of pages. And, remember, we annotate every photo and you will know what you are looking at and where it is.

So, where is this incredible canyon? When we get a chance to visit there, you will know. Or if you want to know now, just write back with a paragraph about what is going on in your life and we'll tell you where this is!

Until then, be blessed and enjoy the views.

Love, Pete, Ellen and Mandy

The Full Time Motorhome Living Guide

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